I've been having a hard time finding people to step forward, but I'm still looking. I'll maintain the contactee/experiencer/witness exact identity and location confidential.
I've found these three reports from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) webpage http://www.nwlink.com/~ufocntr/ concerning Poplar, Montana, Dickinson and Surrey North Dakota.
Here is one from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website. http://www.mufon.com/
This was from the Wolf Point area.
I've found these three reports from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) webpage http://www.nwlink.com/~ufocntr/ concerning Poplar, Montana, Dickinson and Surrey North Dakota.
Here is one from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website. http://www.mufon.com/
This was from the Wolf Point area.
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