What?? Dinosaurs and Humans Together??

In all places this was discovered was in Dawson County, Montana!  It appears that paleontologists used Carbon 14 dating on a Triceratop brow horn and the test came back that it was *only* 35,000 years old!

I wonder what Dawson County looked like back then? I wonder exactly how old the rest of the dinosaurs are? What other lies besides "Columbus Discovered America" there are?

Here is a shout out to the guys down in Tejas that put on the Expanded Perspectives Podcast! Expanded Perspectives

I was listening to the 11 January 2015 podcast by this dynamic duo,  Goatman Human Flesh or Folklore?
 I about fell over when Cam (I think) uttered the phrase "A Triceratops brow horn discovered in Dawson County, Montana,..."! Check out the article on the Ancient Origins website at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/humans-walk-earth-dinosaurs-triceratops-horn-dated-33500-020159

I stole the picture from:  http://dinosaurstop.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/The-Triceratops-Mural.jpg
