Update #2 to the "Strange Lights Over Glendive"

NUFORC finally updated their website on 10 March 2017! Here is the link to the long description of the witness report.

This is a short recap of what happened, take this short video clip. Please note, the one light that is dancing around is a known anomaly. It is a reflection of the overhead lights that this camera caught. Below is the video and below that is a screenshot and rough description of what he was looking at in the night sky and what showed up in the clip.

Regardless, this is the link to the long description of the report, #82443 .

Nothing else has been reported to me, but please check out the NUFORC and MUFON if you have a report to submit if you see lights/unidentified objects in the sky. Please make sure that what you are seeing is not Venus. After you report it to one or both of the organizations, please contact me using one of the ways below.

How to contact the MFR:
Twitter: @MonDakFortean
Facebook Messenger: @mondakfortean
